Many seasoned data reporters have spent years mastering tools like Excel, Access or Refine to clean and analyze data. Allow us to explain why Python can replace all of those tools and make your work faster, easier and better.
Every new discipline has tools that you need to be familiar with to get
started. Those tools in Python are Anaconda and IPython Notebooks. This
section introduces you to those tools.
Pandas, Python's data analysis library, is where you're going to spend
most of your time manipulating and interrogating data. This section
introduces to its core concepts and shows you have to do some of the
things you're probably already familiar with in spreadsheets.
Now that you've got your feet wet with Pandas, it's time to dig into some
of the features that you can't do with spreadsheets. This section shows
you how to clean-up, transform, and ask hard questions of data.
So far we've dealt with raw data and output it mostly in tabular form.
Visualizations provide an entirely new understanding of the data, one
that might not be obvious from plain tables. This section introduces you
to matplotlib and bokeh, two of the tools that let you turn you data
into plots and charts.